Fire Lookouts

Other fire lookouts around the park, however, aren't doing so well. There were indications of damage shorty after the November rainstorm. The park was flooded, but it was also hit with extremely high winds (particularly on the upper slopes). The weather telemetry equipment at Camp Muir measured an average wind speed of 121 MPH!
Shortly after the storm, we noticed that certain park radio repeaters were no longer working. Those repeaters happened to be placed on fire lookouts?!. Fremont fire lookout (NE side of the park near Sunrise) was a victim of high winds, and lost it's roof.
Another aerial image of Fremont fire lookout.
Tolmie Peak fire lookout (NW corner of the park, near Mowich Lake) managed to survive, and it's radio repeater works OK.

For Mount Rainier related images, check out this photo album.